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The Live Artistic Mixtape, an Open Mic, and the One Drop Reggae Shop and Juice Bar

I cannot tell you how I excited I was to hear about these events. I have been searching for the poetry scene in San Antonio for a while now. After I met Andrea Vocab Sanderson, the wonderful poet and singer in the Foreign Arm, it was as if it exploded all around me. Being a writer and a beginner poet, how could I miss such great opportunities to see and hear magic come alive on stage through words?

Let’s start with the stunningly constructed “Mixtape.” You can view the “tracks” here. It kicked off with a group poem by the 2015 PuroSlam Nationals Team which included Tilton, Rayner Shyne, Nathan Z, and Diamond Mason. To say I was blown away by these talented individuals would be a gross understatement. Not only were their poems well-constructed, witty, and at times hilarious, but they were performed with such vigor and passion I was in absolute awe. The rhythm and rhyme of the poems had you nodding to the beat. The build of each important moment had you leaning in, at the edge of your seat, hanging on every word. I come from a very theatrical background, and I have seen a lot of performers, but this group takes the cake. These young artists had an essence so apparent, their very presence on stage demanded attention. These wonderful people are part of the Fresh Ink Youth Slam community here in San Antonio, and they need your support to make more events like this happen. How else can the world become more passionate and artistic, unless we teach those younger than us all that we know?

Also at the “Mixtape” event were two outstanding visual artists, along with a cover musician. Kaldric Dow was selling lovely painted portraits of men, women, and children. His art has a way of coming alive and portrays emotion through the use of color, highlights, and lowlights extremely well. His pictures are featured above. Throughout the “Mixtape” a slideshow was being shown courtesy of the amazing photographer, Anthony Francis. The slideshow filled with shadows and lowlight is showcased below. Quintin Hinojosa, along with the help of his sister, showcased his smooth voice and talent with a guitar while singing a couple of popular covers.

The One Drop was also host to an Open Mic night that featured two of the members of The Foreign Arm, Nicholas Blevins and Andrea Vocab Sanderson. The evening was opened with a DJ Ras G setting up the mood, followed by a couple of R&B Soul songs from The Foreign Arm. The open mic featured several poets, a comedian and a Trap artist, I believe is the term. If I’m wrong let me know! There was a truly inspiring mother daughter team of Jamaica and Raizel Bee who spoke about true beauty and frustration with society’s norms. Another great poet of the evening was Gio whose words told the story of something beautiful growing from something ugly and dirty. The poetry, music and comedy of the evening was just another reason the arts are so needed in our lives. Through expression we learn to work through our past and our pain. We are able to move on and become something more. The arts are the very seed of hope.

A resounding “THANK YOU!” must go to One Drop Reggae Shop and Juice Bar for hosting such stimulating and meaningful events, not only for the youth, but for the San Antonio community as a whole. I must admit I was skeptical about trying one of their drinks if only because I had never had so many fruits coupled much less coupled with hemp. But I really must tell you, the Satisfy My Soul juice is spectacular! I never knew I could love the taste of kiwi so much! Along with the juices, there were also gluten free treats to be had. I tried the wonderful pecan pumpkin muffins, and they were absolutely delicious. Not only do they serve the best products, the atmosphere of One Drop is unlike anywhere I’ve been so far. The décor itself is full of Rastafarianism, African American culture, and famous idols. The sofas allow you to lounge while enjoying the smooth Reggaeton coasting through the speakers.

For contact information on any of these lovely people, or to check out their artwork, see the links below:

Andrea Vocab Sanderson

The Foreign Arm

Fresh Ink Youth Slam

Diamond Mason

Rayner Shyne

Kaldric Dow

Anthony Francis

One Drop Reggae Shop and Juice Bar


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