I am going to come completely clean and tell you first off, I don’t happen to listen to a lot of techno style music, unless of course you count the synthesized sounds that tend to be present in a lot of pop songs. When I was asked to write about Rivers Want, a local techno duo, I honestly wasn’t sure how I was going to approach it. But after listening to their album, I realized this was going to be much easier than I had previously thought.
Techno might be a mixture of synthesized sounds with a bass beat, but the music of Rivers Want could never be described so simply and without emotion. First off the rhythm of the beats make it impossible to stand still during their music. Unlike a lot of techno groups, it doesn’t make the audience want to simply jump up and down. The darkness of the beats combined with the higher synthesized sounds and the singer’s voice, seem to invoke a sort primal feeling that makes every nerve in your body want to jump and play. This is definitely the type of music that brings out the deep urge to dance.
Unlike many techno groups Rivers Want utilizes a live drum set to add a spark to their songs. The drums give the songs a depth that is certainly lacking in most other techno style music. They give the music a crisp backbone to lean against while still allowing the speed of the rhythm free reign. The drums played by Mike Kee combined with the voice of Richard Evans create a sparkling high energy juxtaposition that cannot be found anywhere else. You can find more info about them and listen to their music at faceboo.com/riverswantmusic or their website: riverswant.com.